Urban Resilience Program

    Our urban climate resilience program seeks to limit the occurrence and impact of intense floods, draughts and heatwaves in urban centers with high population density.

    We engage local communities in assessing their resilience to climate risks and co-develop prioritized solutions that build on existing strengths. We put emphasis on collaboration with local governments.

    • Community Redd+ Project

    This REDD+ project aims to slow, halt and reverse the loss of community forests by providing support, new technologies and financial incentives to conserve existing forests and regenerate degraded forests. The project intervention area is a global biodiversity hotspot, providing habitat to many endangered species including the Hirola species.

    • Northern Kenya Clean Water Project

    The Northern Kenya clean water project seeks to rehabilitate, install and maintains boreholes, water taps and other water infrastructure to provide the residents with safe, clean drinking water. The project will also include capacity building and will offer training to the local residents.